Twitter Updates

Sunday, December 17, 2006

FMTV Karaoke night!

I didn't really care about video quality at the time. Also, I had a few in me, so when I did care, it wasn't very steady.

McLeod's big stunt on Bumblebee Man

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Actual School Assignment

My one-pager for Business class

PS: I failed

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Ye Olde SonicRift site

This is my old website, from back when I was trying to run an internet comic. I've also got some lame videos and such. You should know that "Pain" is the only flash video done by me.

I'm trying to gain access to geocities again, but it's been 3 years since I've logged in, and I don't remember the password. Once I get in, I can get rid of all the stuff that never really belonged. This was originally a school assignment that required having so much content.

Massimo's PGR3 Driftage

Monday, September 11, 2006

Coming soon to dead formats...

Be warned. Whenever I get a chance, I'll be uploading shit like this.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The 616 Project's Dude Squad- Project A.W.E.S.O.M.E.

So yeah, I wrote, sorta directed, edited, scored, and starred in this shit.


Thursday, August 17, 2006

Cappuccino and Latte

Yes, Sam Latte makes his internet debut, after 2 years of rotting on my hard drive. Remember to check out the rest of 616 at

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Soooooooooo! 616 is off the ground.

Check out to see our stuff.

New content every Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The 616 Project - Episode 1: The Mel Gibson Arrest

Remember to check out for more details.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Video Portrait, Again

Took this down off Youtube. You can see it on Revver now.


So it seems Youtube has changed their user agreement in a way that would let them sell my content as their own, and we would recieve absolutely nothing for any of our work.

As much as I'd like to continue posting from Youtube, I can't. I'm just not willing to sacrifice my films to them in such a way. So, the upcoming show form SonicRift/Wednesday is going to have to find a new form of distribution.

I considered using Google Video, but if we attain the kind of popularity we're aiming for, Mr. Eric Bauman can just download our content and cover the bottom quarter of the frame with his own website tag.

I've signed up with Revver, but I don't want to have a PayPal account to feed revenue into. PayPal is just not trustworthy, from what I've been reading almost daily on Digg, and I don't want to risk depending on them till they discover that I have different political or social views than their management, and they shut my account and seize my cash. Not my idea of a party... So we'll see what happens. We always assumed the money would come from merch anyways. It's just a matter of attaining celebrity I guess.

Monday, July 31, 2006


Not sure what the quality on this is gonna be like...

I'm not especially proud of this project. This was my big final assignment for my first year at Humber Film. Alot of blood and tears went into making this.

I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into I guess. I though I was responsible for doing everything, and that those were the guidlines for he assignment, but I guess I could have gotten a designated DOP to handle lighting etc.

If I'd brought a few more extension cords, the indoor stuff would have looked much more vibrant, as I had intended. I couldn't quite see through the Cannon XL-1's viewfinder, and didn't know I could zoom in to focus at the time, so that accounts for the soft focus (or for you non film types, that's why that shit is blurry).

Justin was great, but I wish I had more extras there.

After my hard drives crashed, Justin asked for a copy of this for his website. I ended up playing it through my iMac's video out to my camera, then capturing it again.

Mac users may recognize the Adium croak in the opening credits.

Friday, July 28, 2006


This was like, September 2004. Crazy night. I'm sure there's plenty of people who want this up here.

Poohbear Takes a Dive

A relic from my first webpage.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Just another picture

Just a shot of a video game system that never made it.