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Monday, July 31, 2006


Not sure what the quality on this is gonna be like...

I'm not especially proud of this project. This was my big final assignment for my first year at Humber Film. Alot of blood and tears went into making this.

I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into I guess. I though I was responsible for doing everything, and that those were the guidlines for he assignment, but I guess I could have gotten a designated DOP to handle lighting etc.

If I'd brought a few more extension cords, the indoor stuff would have looked much more vibrant, as I had intended. I couldn't quite see through the Cannon XL-1's viewfinder, and didn't know I could zoom in to focus at the time, so that accounts for the soft focus (or for you non film types, that's why that shit is blurry).

Justin was great, but I wish I had more extras there.

After my hard drives crashed, Justin asked for a copy of this for his website. I ended up playing it through my iMac's video out to my camera, then capturing it again.

Mac users may recognize the Adium croak in the opening credits.

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